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Corridoio plurimodale Tirreno - Brennero (TI.BRE.)
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Cavalcaferrovia Sarpi
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Linea tranviaria di trasporto pubblico - Padova
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Percorso pedonale 'moving walkaway', Terminal dell'Aeroporto 'Marco Polo'
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Ristrutturazione e funzionalizzazione del compendio demaniale ubicato in Roma - viale Trastevere
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VE 13_09 'S.S. 51 di Alemagna' Variante di Vittorio Veneto (Tangenziale Est)

Innovation by experience

We are an engineering company rooted in a significant past of national and international successes, looking head to the future, integrating technological innovation and experience.

We believe in the metamorphosis of the territory, which becomes a better place to live through the design and construction of new works and infrastructures.


Engineering is transformation.

Through new technologies and design methods, we redefine the quality of works in terms of sustainability and comfort.

Our services are aimed at the medium and large-sized market covering all technical activities from planning to assistance during the production phase.


Design gives us the opportunity to respond to the client’s requirements to transform the territory and urban tissue according to models of sustainable development and use of the most advanced technologies.

Attention to the Italian and international market, particularly in the field of infrastructures, structures, environment and hydraulic engineering, this is new strategic positioning of Idroesse Engineering.